Enough is enough. To those who follow my facebook, you know that I started posting the names and DC phone numbers of all the representatives who had the audacity to vote yes on this bill. This has proven horribly inefficient so instead I'm going to post the info as a table on here. We can't continue to allow our government dictate our lives. This is Marxist thinking at its core. It is the realization of the most fundamental Orwellian fears. Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Conservative, these words are meaningless. The only thing that should have meaning to you is doing right by others. The House has become an entity that has forgotten this ideal. The House has given in to the whims of a corporate overseer that wants nothing more than to control you; to keep you weak so that it may know that it is strong.
This should hopefully raise many questions in your mind. The first of which being, Where were you when the last freedom was stripped from your being? Were you going to a dead-end job that you hate, just to make enough money to get by? Were you standing idly by hoping others would hear the call and rise up in one voice to say, NO MORE? Or did you rise with the multitude and march against your oppressors, stripping them of the power that YOU gave them? Here's the list. These are the people that are supposed to be representing you. These are the people that are supposed to be speaking with YOUR ideals in mind. And if you feel they are, then by all means, go about your business. But if you see past the veil and you see just how close we are to a coming destruction, then pick up your phone and dial each of your representatives and tell them that when November 6th comes, you will see to it personally that they WILL NOT see another term. You will strike them down with all your might and remind them just who the hell they work for; worked for. And when you are done with that, you will jump on your Twitters, and your Facebooks, and your Tumblrs, and you will register your outrage to the multitudes and spread the word. You'll see to it that the list becomes more than just a list of names, but will become the example to anybody who dares to attempt to revive CISPA or any of its incarnations. Good evening, and God Bless America.
Name | State | Phone (Area Code: 202) |
Bonner, Jo | Alabama | 225-4931 |
Roby, Martha | Alabama | 225-2901 |
Rogers, Mike | Alabama | 225-3261 |
Aderholt, Robert B. | Alabama | 225-4876 |
Bachus, Spencer | Alabama | 225-4921 |
Young, Don | Alaska | 225-5765 |
Flake, Jeff | Arizona | 225-2635 |
Franks, Trent | Arizona | 225-4576 |
Quayle, Benjamin | Arizona | 225-3361 |
Crawford, Eric A. "Rick | Arkansas | 225-4076 |
Griffin, Tim | Arkansas | 225-2506 |
Ross, Mike | Arkansas | 225-3772 |
Womack, Steve | Arkansas | 225-4301 |
Bono Mack, Mary | California | 225-5330 |
Calvert, Ken | California | 225-1986 |
Campbell, John | California | 225-5611 |
Cardoza, Dennis A. | California | 225-6131 |
Costa, Jim | California | 225-3341 |
Denham, Jeff | California | 225-4540 |
Dreier, David | California | 225-2305 |
Gallegly, Elton | California | 225-5811 |
Garamendi, John | California | 225-1880 |
Herger, Wally | California | 225-3076 |
Hunter, Duncan | California | 225-5672 |
Issa, Darrell E. | California | 225-3906 |
Lewis, Jerry | California | 225-5861 |
Lungren, Daniel E. | California | 225-5716 |
McCarthy, Kevin | California | 225-2915 |
McKeon, Howard P. "Buck" | California | 225-1956 |
Miller, Gary G. | California | 225-3201 |
Nunes, Devin | California | 225-2523 |
Royce, Edward R. | California | 225-4111 |
Thompson, Mike | California | 225-3311 |
Bilbray, Brian P. | California | 225-0508 |
Coffman, Mike | Colorado | 225-7882 |
Gardner, Cory | Colorado | 225-4676 |
Lamborn, Doug | Colorado | 225-4422 |
Tipton, Scott R. | Colorado | 225-4761 |
Carney, John C., Jr. | Delaware | 225-4165 |
Buchanan, Vern | Florida | 225-5015 |
Castor, Kathy | Florida | 225-3376 |
Crenshaw, Ander | Florida | 225-2501 |
Diaz-Balart, Mario | Florida | 225-4211 |
Mica, John L. | Florida | 225-4035 |
Miller, Jeff | Florida | 225-4136 |
Nugent, Richard B. | Florida | 225-1002 |
Rivera, David | Florida | 225-2778 |
Rooney, Thomas J. | Florida | 225-5792 |
Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana | Florida | 225-3931 |
Ross, Dennis A. | Florida | 225-1252 |
Southerland, Steve, II | Florida | 225-5235 |
Stearns, Cliff | Florida | 225-5744 |
Webster, Daniel | Florida | 225-2176 |
West, Allen B. | Florida | 225-3026 |
Young, C. W. Bill | Florida | 225-5961 |
Adams, Sandy | Florida | 225-2706 |
Bilirakis, Gus M. | Florida | 225-5755 |
Broun, Paul C. | Georgia | 225-4101 |
Gingrey, Phil | Georgia | 225-2931 |
Graves, Tom | Georgia | 225-5211 |
Kingston, Jack | Georgia | 225-5831 |
Price, Tom | Georgia | 225-4501 |
Scott, Austin | Georgia | 225-6531 |
Scott, David | Georgia | 225-2939 |
Westmoreland, Lynn A. | Georgia | 225-5901 |
Woodall, Rob | Georgia | 225-4272 |
Barrow, John | Georgia | 225-2823 |
Bishop, Sanford D., Jr. | Georgia | 225-3631 |
Hanabusa, Colleen W. | Hawaii | 225-2726 |
Labrador, Ra�l R. | Idaho | 225-6611 |
Dold, Robert J. | Illinois | 225-4835 |
Hultgren, Randy | Illinois | 225-2976 |
Kinzinger, Adam | Illinois | 225-3635 |
Lipinski, Daniel | Illinois | 225-5701 |
Manzullo, Donald A. | Illinois | 225-5676 |
Roskam, Peter J. | Illinois | 225-4561 |
Schilling, Robert T. | Illinois | 225-5905 |
Schock, Aaron | Illinois | 225-6201 |
Shimkus, John | Illinois | 225-5271 |
Biggert, Judy | Illinois | 225-3515 |
Burton, Dan | Indiana | 225-2276 |
Donnelly, Joe | Indiana | 225-3915 |
Rokita, Todd | Indiana | 225-5037 |
Stutzman, Marlin A. | Indiana | 225-4436 |
Young, Todd C. | Indiana | 225-5315 |
Boswell, Leonard L. | Iowa | 225-3806 |
King, Steve | Iowa | 225-4426 |
Latham, Tom | Iowa | 225-5476 |
Huelskamp, Tim | Kansas | 225-2715 |
Jenkins, Lynn | Kansas | 225-6601 |
Pompeo, Mike | Kansas | 225-6216 |
Yoder, Kevin | Kansas | 225-2865 |
Chandler, Ben | Kentucky | 225-4706 |
Guthrie, Brett | Kentucky | 225-3501 |
Rogers, Harold | Kentucky | 225-4601 |
Whitfield, Ed | Kentucky | 225-3115 |
Boustany, Charles W., Jr. | Louisiana | 225-2031 |
Cassidy, Bill | Louisiana | 225-3901 |
Scalise, Steve | Louisiana | 225-3015 |
Alexander, Rodney | Louisiana | 225-8490 |
Harris, Andy | Maryland | 225-5311 |
Ruppersberger, C. A. Dutch | Maryland | 225-3061 |
Bartlett, Roscoe G. | Maryland | 225-2721 |
Camp, Dave | Michigan | 225-3561 |
Huizenga, Bill | Michigan | 225-4401 |
Miller, Candice S. | Michigan | 225-2106 |
Rogers, Mike | Michigan | 225-4872 |
Upton, Fred | Michigan | 225-3761 |
Walberg, Tim | Michigan | 225-6276 |
Benishek, Dan | Michigan | 225-4735 |
Cravaack, Chip | Minnesota | 225-6211 |
Kline, John | Minnesota | 225-2271 |
Paulsen, Erik | Minnesota | 225-2871 |
Peterson, Collin C. | Minnesota | 225-2165 |
Bachmann, Michele | Minnesota | 225-2331 |
Harper, Gregg | Mississippi | 225-5031 |
Nunnelee, Alan | Mississippi | 225-4306 |
Palazzo, Steven M. | Mississippi | 225-5772 |
Graves, Sam | Missouri | 225-7041 |
Hartzler, Vicky | Missouri | 225-2876 |
Long, Billy | Missouri | 225-6536 |
Luetkemeyer, Blaine | Missouri | 225-2956 |
Fortenberry, Jeff | Nebraska | 225-4806 |
Smith, Adrian | Nebraska | 225-6435 |
Terry, Lee | Nebraska | 225-4155 |
Heck, Joseph J. | Nevada | 225-3252 |
Amodei, Mark E. | Nevada | 225-6155 |
Guinta, Frank C. | New Hampshire | 225-5456 |
Bass, Charles F. | New Hampshire | 225-5206 |
Frelinghuysen, Rodney P. | New Jersey | 225-5034 |
Garrett, Scott | New Jersey | 225-4465 |
Lance, Leonard | New Jersey | 225-5361 |
LoBiondo, Frank A. | New Jersey | 225-6572 |
Runyan, Jon | New Jersey | 225-4765 |
Smith, Christopher H. | New Jersey | 225-3765 |
Buerkle, Ann Marie | New York | 225-3701 |
Clarke, Yvette D. | New York | 225-6231 |
Grimm, Michael G. | New York | 225-3371 |
Hanna, Richard L. | New York | 225-3665 |
Hayworth, Nan A. S. | New York | 225-5441 |
Hochul, Kathleen C. | New York | 225-5265 |
Israel, Steve | New York | 225-3335 |
King, Peter T. | New York | 225-7896 |
McCarthy, Carolyn | New York | 225-5516 |
Owens, William L. | New York | 225-4611 |
Reed, Tom | New York | 225-3161 |
Towns, Edolphus | New York | 225-5936 |
Turner, Robert L. | New York | 225-6616 |
Bishop, Timothy H. | New York | 225-3826 |
Butterfield, G. K. | North Carolina | 225-3101 |
Coble, Howard | North Carolina | 225-3065 |
Ellmers, Renee L. | North Carolina | 225-4531 |
Foxx, Virginia | North Carolina | 225-2071 |
Kissell, Larry | North Carolina | 225-3715 |
McIntyre, Mike | North Carolina | 225-2731 |
Myrick, Sue Wilkins | North Carolina | 225-1976 |
Shuler, Heath | North Carolina | 225-6401 |
Berg, Rick | North Dakota | 225-2611 |
Boehner, John A. | Ohio | 225-6205 |
Chabot, Steve | Ohio | 225-2216 |
Gibbs, Bob | Ohio | 225-6265 |
Johnson, Bill | Ohio | 225-5705 |
Jordan, Jim | Ohio | 225-2676 |
LaTourette, Steven C. | Ohio | 225-5731 |
Latta, Robert E. | Ohio | 225-6405 |
Renacci, James B. | Ohio | 225-3876 |
Schmidt, Jean | Ohio | 225-3164 |
Stivers, Steve | Ohio | 225-2015 |
Tiberi, Patrick J. | Ohio | 225-5355 |
Turner, Michael R. | Ohio | 225-6465 |
Austria, Steve | Ohio | 225-4324 |
Boren, Dan | Oklahoma | 225-2701 |
Cole, Tom | Oklahoma | 225-6165 |
Lankford, James | Oklahoma | 225-2132 |
Lucas, Frank D. | Oklahoma | 225-5565 |
Sullivan, John | Oklahoma | 225-2211 |
Schrader, Kurt | Oregon | 225-5711 |
Walden, Greg | Oregon | 225-6730 |
Critz, Mark S. | Pennsylvania | 225-2065 |
Dent, Charles W. | Pennsylvania | 225-6411 |
Fitzpatrick, Michael G. | Pennsylvania | 225-4276 |
Gerlach, Jim | Pennsylvania | 225-4315 |
Kelly, Mike | Pennsylvania | 225-5406 |
Meehan, Patrick | Pennsylvania | 225-2011 |
Murphy, Tim | Pennsylvania | 225-2301 |
Pitts, Joseph R. | Pennsylvania | 225-2411 |
Platts, Todd Russell | Pennsylvania | 225-5836 |
Shuster, Bill | Pennsylvania | 225-2431 |
Thompson, Glenn | Pennsylvania | 225-5121 |
Altmire, Jason | Pennsylvania | 225-2565 |
Barletta, Lou | Pennsylvania | 225-6511 |
Langevin, James R. | Rhode Island | 225-2735 |
Clyburn, James E. | South Carolina | 225-3315 |
Duncan, Jeff | South Carolina | 225-5301 |
Gowdy, Trey | South Carolina | 225-6030 |
Mulvaney, Mick | South Carolina | 225-5501 |
Scott, Tim | South Carolina | 225-3176 |
Wilson, Joe | South Carolina | 225-2452 |
Noem, Kristi L. | South Dakota | 225-2801 |
Blackburn, Marsha | Tennessee | 225-2811 |
Cooper, Jim | Tennessee | 225-4311 |
DesJarlais, Scott | Tennessee | 225-6831 |
Duncan, John J., Jr. | Tennessee | 225-5435 |
Fincher, Stephen Lee | Tennessee | 225-4714 |
Fleischmann, Charles J. "Chuck" | Tennessee | 225-3271 |
Roe, David P. | Tennessee | 225-6356 |
Black, Diane | Tennessee | 225-4231 |
Brady, Kevin | Texas | 225-4901 |
Burgess, Michael C. | Texas | 225-7772 |
Carter, John R. | Texas | 225-3864 |
Conaway, K. Michael | Texas | 225-3605 |
Cuellar, Henry | Texas | 225-1640 |
Culberson, John Abney | Texas | 225-2571 |
Flores, Bill | Texas | 225-6105 |
Gonzalez, Charles A. | Texas | 225-3236 |
Granger, Kay | Texas | 225-5071 |
Hensarling, Jeb | Texas | 225-3484 |
Johnson, Sam | Texas | 225-4201 |
McCaul, Michael T. | Texas | 225-2401 |
Neugebauer, Randy | Texas | 225-4005 |
Olson, Pete | Texas | 225-5951 |
Poe, Ted | Texas | 225-6565 |
Sessions, Pete | Texas | 225-2231 |
Smith, Lamar | Texas | 225-4236 |
Thornberry, Mac | Texas | 225-3706 |
Chaffetz, Jason | Utah | 225-7751 |
Matheson, Jim | Utah | 225-3011 |
Cantor, Eric | Virginia | 225-2815 |
Connolly, Gerald E. | Virginia | 225-1492 |
Forbes, J. Randy | Virginia | 225-6365 |
Goodlatte, Bob | Virginia | 225-5431 |
Griffith, H. Morgan | Virginia | 225-3861 |
Hurt, Robert | Virginia | 225-4711 |
Moran, James P. | Virginia | 225-4376 |
Wittman, Robert J. | Virginia | 225-4261 |
Wolf, Frank R. | Virginia | 225-5136 |
Dicks, Norman D. | Washington | 225-5916 |
Hastings, Doc | Washington | 225-5816 |
Herrera Beutler, Jaime | Washington | 225-3536 |
Larsen, Rick | Washington | 225-2605 |
McMorris Rodgers, Cathy | Washington | 225-2006 |
Reichert, David G. | Washington | 225-7761 |
Smith, Adam | Washington | 225-8901 |
Capito, Shelley Moore | West Virginia | 225-2711 |
McKinley, David B. | West Virginia | 225-4172 |
Duffy, Sean P. | Wisconsin | 225-3365 |
Petri, Thomas E. | Wisconsin | 225-2476 |
Ribble, Reid J. | Wisconsin | 225-5665 |
Ryan, Paul | Wisconsin | 225-3031 |
Lummis, Cynthia M. | Wyoming | 225-2311 |
source: http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2012/roll192.xml#Y